You Really Think I would keep posting this ad if it does not
work? I literally only do this to get paid multiple 10 dollar
payments and if you click on this salesman logo to the above I
guarantee you will do the same.
Featuring MAPS, the Free Multi-Advertising Promotion System!
Think in terms of success:
Earning a job replacing income online involves understanding the
concept of ‘thinking in terms of success.’ Specify ‘what is
success?’ and what do you have to do to reach that ‘success.’
Formulate success first in your mind, allow the possibility of
success to become the certainty of success-- this is your goal;
let it become your mantra. And as you allow ‘success’ to be your
only avenue of pursuit, you will come closer each day to
realizing it.
My Success mantra:
"Something Wonderful is Going to Happen
...and it does, everyday!
My Formula for
MAPS- Multiple Advertising Promotion System A steady stream of water flows through rock
This webpage is basically a copy of my own personal MAPS word document. To create your own MAPS, open up a word document and create a two-column table with multiple rows. You’ll fill the table with your own affiliate program urls and launch them from your word document. As you can see MAPS is simply a control panel/ launch pad to stay organized/focused and assist me in my daily promotion efforts. Simply join the programs you wish to join or exchange them with programs you’ve already joined. Folks, bottom line, I’m trying to save you the time, money, and energy from falling into all the proverbial rabbit holes/ money funnels out there designed to force you to sign up for this and that before their system works.
With MAPS, you are in full control of what programs you join or don’t join. Below: To the left “THINK” tells you the purpose of the strategy; the right column, “LINX” contains the suggested programs to use.
In general, I promote my primary programs: my website, along w/ Coop programs in the traffic exchanges; and I promote AIOP 2.0, AllinOneProfits in the safelists. MAPS will enable you to promote both your primary programs and any other programs you promote. Please read/ study this whole document before editing/ modifying anything!
What's wrong with downline builders and funnels?
Most so-called viral downline builder systems/ funnels are financially cumbersome and time consuming for marketers. They ask you to promote their system, which robs you away from promoting your primary business. The same is true, generally, for downlinebuilders that promise to promote your business better than you do while you promote their program. I have found only a few funnel systems so far that consistently help me promote what I am already promoting with few concessions to join other programs.
THINK: Testing Text Ad copy: These are the subject titles of your ads.
You need a way to test which headlines are most effective for your safelist submissions. Periodically refresh your headlines,
delete headlines that have little response and try new ones. Even effective headlines lose potency when used repeatedly.
THINK: Auto Pilot programs~ The best auto-pilot programs involve life-time upgrades. You login to update your ads and for maintenance. Join free and upgrade if and when you’re ready. I suggest making a copy of this whole MAPS page for base reference before you edit/ change anything. Just copy and paste it to your word processor. Then you can share your edited MAP System with your downline. I also suggest keeping this format (2 columns by 13 rows) as is as much as possible to encourage duplication.
THINK: Coop programs: You promote the coop urls in your choice of traffic exchanges (TE’s must allow for at least three urls or I don’t use them) and in exchange your surfsmart pages are shown in various coop advertising venues, many of which you might not have joined.
I use and upgrade in
clicksvoyager to send 100+ hits daily to my EzTraffic.Club Co-op url.
THINK: Generating Banner impressions~ Banner ads are effective because people mainly click on banners out of genuine interest, not to get credits. Another way I promote my primary program, AIOP 2.0, AllinOneProfits is through banner exchanges. I insert the banner exchange codes on my “Surf Smarter” pages--
THINK: Innovative Image/ Text Ad Exchanges. These are basically auto-pilot programs, especially if you upgrade. MyTrafficPartners and AdCardz is the best of the bunch in my opinion. SecondSplash offers set it and forget it promotion if you upgrade. As far as innovative advertising goes, it definitely stands out from the rest. LeadsLeap is great for its tools, but ask yourself, “Do its members click for credits or because they’re really interested in your ad?” In these programs you can promote a variety of your programs.
THINK: BlitzKrieg! Some advertising programs promote a variety of ads on one page or they act like downline builders. You can promote a variety of affiliate programs this way. Some, like DownlineFarm, are good monthly money makers and others like adboardz allow you to bulk email your referrals. It’s tempting to promote these type of advertising programs in safelists and traffic exchanges; however, this may dilute the advertising efforts of your primary programs. Consider promoting these type programs in the following:
THINK: Your PRIVATE Safelist. If you can build a significant size, a personal safelist is more responsive than safelist. FreeListMonster builds you a safelist exponentially. I use the following ad to promote freelistmonster periodically in safelists:
SHHH! This is Way Better Than ANY safelist.
Hi ~fname~
When I first saw FreeListMonster, I thought, "Lewis, you'd be crazy not to join." So, I did! Here's why:
FreeListMonster pays you $550 to build your list. It's free to join with no hidden costs. Plus, they pay you to use it!
But here's something I learned that's more important in the long run than the $550-- building your own personal list is more effective, more responsive than any one safelist you can join.
It took me a while to be smart and save money from all those safelists that promised huge results yet delivered nearly zilch. I guess it's never too late to learn. :-)
THINK: Safelists Yes, yes, use safelists; however, consider the following: To get around clicking for credits to post ads, many members take the life-time upgrade route. In turn, this frees them from clicking for credits and they post, post, post. When their mailbox gets full with other peoples’ offers, they just select all and delete, delete, delete! And what about those who do click your ads? Well, they’re likely free members, who, if they do join your program, will likely join free and never upgrade. However, safelists are more responsive than traffic exchanges and worth the effort to advertise. If you do upgrade consider your ads may be flooding mailboxes. It’s oversaturation and your ads end up getting ignored. Consider breaks in posting to avoid the oversaturation dilemma.
THINK: Sometimes less is more. Posting intermittently to safelists may give you better results. Save some safelists for weekend warrior posting~ see below
THINK: Educate yourself with programs like BigDogSecrets. Make it through the first few basic knowledge chapters of this ebook~ it gets more rewarding as you read along, and the information is invaluable. Yes, “Big Dogs” is a money funnel and that’s why I created this alternative MAP System. Use weekends to slow it down a little and re-group. Analyze data, the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns.
Re-Tique your headlines, ad copy; do maintenance of texts and banners in safelists and traffic exchanges; do research, read eBooks.
Blitzkrieg: i.e. lightning strike 5 safelists not on your MAPS page, but you’re still subscribed to when you open your gmail. If you see a safelist incoming email show multiple times, it’s a good candidate to randomly send out ads there-- you may get surprisingly good response!
THINK: Traffic Exchanges/ Surfing: I have 4 primary sites that I surf with every surfing session, plus 4 secondary traffic exchanges that I surf in rotation. My surfing sessions are 25 or more clicks per TE.
Traffic exchanges, banners, text ads— none are as effective as safelists. So delve into these other forms of advertising and be focused; however, make your safelist routine your bread and butter. Most TE visits are literally seconds, then ZIP, ZIP, ZIP to the next page.
Consistency and Quality Over Quantity~ however much you advertise, do advertise daily. A live dog is better than a dead lion!
Tenants of the Big Dogs:
1. The Big Dogs have PATIENCE.
They know it’s going to take at least THREE to SIX months to develop their business.
2. The Big Dogs spend TIME at their business.
They devote a minimum of ONE TO TWO HOURS per day, EVERY day to their business.
3. The Big Dogs don’t let CHANGE bother them.
They understand that rapid change is a fact of life on the Internet.
5. The Big Dogs don’t dig for gold; they sell the shovels.
They devote their efforts on programs and products that generate TRAFFIC.
6. Big Dogs concentrate on programs that require an ONGOING FINANCIAL COMMITMENT.
7. The Big Dogs use only LEGITIMATE programs that WORK and that provide a genuine value.
8. The Big Dogs DIVERSIFY by being involved in MULTIPLE programs simultaneously.
9. The Big Dogs know they are NOT alone.
10. The Big Dogs NEVER put the cart before the horse.
They know EXACTLY how they'll promote a product BEFORE they become involved.
11. The REAL secret to success on the Internet is that there IS no "secret!"